Nusrat Morris


Nusrat Morris (Touny) – “I can’t remember.” [Tunisian translation: My wife has left me; [Tunisian translation: my wife has left me in the field]. ] I was going to run. He got in my face like he wanted me to get out of there, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. I stood up, but the person in front of me didn’t want to keep him from running, so he was going to get me. This was after two in the morning when I was running hard. At least, if he wasn’t going to get me, he wasn’t going to get people out of my way. “Ah!” he said. “If she runs, then she means to kill me. Why don’t you run?” He didn’t think I could run fast, and he didn’t leave room for me to run much.

He then turned and ran at me again. I was a little lightheaded, my legs feeling a little shaky, and I was afraid the person in front of me was going to start yelling to leave. Then he pulled this gun from the waistband of his khaki pants, a gun that had gone out of his pocket the day before. I didn’t even have a chance to yell, “Run while you can!” I just thought his voice was so much louder than mine, because it seemed even more real.

I just realized I didn’t want to die—I wanted to stay. I felt I had to go on.

“Look, they ran!” I was hearing the words he yelled. “How can a gun scare you?” He came at me again. I didn’t want to shoot or run; I just wanted to stay alive. He got on me again, this time with the waistband gun, and I thought he was going to shoot my chest. I was shocked that he would do it when I was running like hell, to me, and not only that, I had seen him shoot one of those.50-caliber machine guns in the movie Zero Dark Thirty. He was running so fast and he was so hard on me. I tried to yell. I can still remember the way his voice grew louder. It seemed like every inch of his face, every tiny, little feature, on his face got magnified to such a level that I could not even see it. I remember that he

Nusrat Morris

Location: Tokyo , Japan
Company: Berkshire Hathaway
